My Father my God! Ohhhh bless me indeed! Increase my territory….for all Your glory! Help me receive!

Lol! Those are the words to a song i wrote based on the Prayer of Jabez. A simple prayer found in the Word of God stashed between many of the ‘ begats’ as they call them. I don’t. Remember where exactly Ill have to look it up again, (1Chronicles4:10) but they made a whole book about it! And if i remember correctly Jabez asks that most of all he do no harm to others. I don’t know where Im going with all this but i think that will be my prayer today. That i do no harm to others.  

This is not always easy. I almost titled this entry….Be Still and know that I am God…. Until the song popped into my head. But being still, thinking before i speak, considering all things first. Calling God into the situation to guide my words before I say something that cant be taken back…..these are things I consider now more than ever. 

Also, it seems the more  ‘Still’ I become the more stillness is needed yet. If that makes any sense?